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Centre for Clinical Simulation & Research

Centre for Clinical Simulation & Research is a state of the art learning centre for the undergraduate and postgraduate medical, nursing and paramedical students, as well as the faculty. It was inaugurated on the 30th of September 2011 by the renowned ophthalmic surgeon and academician, Dr. S.S. Badrinath, Chairman-Emeritus, Sankara Nethralaya Chennai in the presence of Sri L. Gopalakrishnan, Managing Trustee of PSG Institutions.

The CCSR is equipped with sophisticated adult and paediatric task trainers, and also full body nursing, trauma & resuscitation mannequins. These help in learning clinical skills, which includes resuscitation in cardiac arrests and poly trauma management. Several invasive procedures can be practised. Birthing mannequin is an additional teaching tool to train delivery skills and newborn resuscitation.

The pride of the centre is Simman 3G, an advanced computerised patient simulator, which was installed for the first time in India, in this institution. Controlled by an instructor, it helps in simulating several real life scenarios and clinical findings, and even responds to simulated drugs.

A core group has been constituted as faculty of the centre, consisting of enthusiastic and committed clinicians as well as nursing college teaching staff. Some of them have undergone training to be instructors of BLS and ACLS courses. Several training modules have been developed. Spread over 5500 sq feet, the centre is well organized into different areas, with an attached lecture cum seminar hall.

With increasing difficulty in practicing skills on patients, and with no possibility at all in critical care settings, learning through simulations will go a long way to address this need. With PSG Institute of Medical Sciences & Research has an internationally acclaimed medical education department. CCSR will complement this, both in training as well as educational research.
