

World Hypertension Day 2022. Measure Your Blood Pressure Accurately, Control It, Live Longer

World Hypertension Day 2022. Measure Your Blood Pressure Accurately, Control It, Live Longer

World Hypertension Day 2022 -Launched on on May 14, 2005, The World Hypertension League has been dedicating May 17 of every year as World Hypertension Day ever since 2006 #PSG #PSGHospitals #psgimsr #psgsuperspeciality #hypertension #bloodpressure #heartdisease #hearthealth #obesity #heart #fitness #hypertensionawareness #nutrition #heartattack

Hypertension or high blood pressure occurs when the blood pressure abnormally rises to undesirable levels. It is the increased force exerted by blood against the walls of the artery. Normal blood pressure is 120/80 mm Hg. High blood pressure is defined as a level greater than 130/80 mm Hg or 140/90 mm Hg according to various guidelines. As most of the time, there are no noticeable signs of hypertension, it is also called ‘the silent killer'. Thereby, raising a significant risk to damage the brain, heart, kidneys, and blood vessels. Ignoring blood pressure symptoms can prove to be fatal and lead to a stroke, heart attack including heart failure and kidney failure, if not diagnosed early and treated appropriately.

This World Hypertension Day, take note of these warning symptoms that one should never ignore and a few key tips to ensure accurate BP measurement. Symptoms:

  • Headaches: Sometimes these could be triggered by lack of sleep. However, if you are suffering from a throbbing headache way too often, it could be a sign of high blood pressure.
  • Nosebleeds: If your nose bleeds not due to sinusitis, then it could be a sign that you your blood pressure is high and needs to get levels checked.
  • Shortness of breath: Difficulty in breathing and shortness of breath is also an indication for hypertension.
  • Irregular heartbeat: Arrhythmia or irregular heartbeats can also occur in hypertension patients. This happens due to uncontrolled pressure at which blood exerts force against artery walls.
  • Chest pain: Due to shortness of breath in hypertension patients, in extreme cases, it could also lead to chest pain.

Tips for accurate BP measurement:

  • The correct sized BP cuff needs to be put on the bare arm
  • Having an empty bladder is advisable, a full bladder can increase BP readings
  • Patients should sit still with back support and feet on the floor
  • Avoid talking while measuring BP readings
  • The arm should be supported at the level of the heart
  • Avoid consuming food, caffeine, alcohol 30 minutes before measuring
  • If monitoring blood pressure at home, minimum of three readings to be recorded and the average of the last two readings can be considered for the reading

While there is no cure, make lifestyle changes that matter. Enhance quality of life by eating a well-balanced diet, limit salt and alcohol consumption, regular exercise to maintain a healthy weight, manage stress, quit smoking, take your medications properly, and work together with your doctor. These protocols can go a long way and reduce health risks.

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