

Psychiatry deals with the diagnosis and treatment of mental health disorders which includes various manifestations like behavioural changes, mood swings, perception and cognition. Psychiatry usually is divided into 3 general categories, mental illnesses, severe learning disabilities and personality disorders.

At PSG Hospitals, patients are seen both as outpatients as well as admitted if it is warranted. Experienced psychiatrists’ perform a psychiatric assessment of the patient and advise medicine accordingly. Counselling and talk therapy by a senior psychologist is also available at PSG hospitals. Substance abuse with harmful and psychoactive substances including alcohol and drugs are expertly treated at PSG hospitals.

Some of the conditions that are treated are:
  • Schizophrenia
  • Bipolar disorder
  • Depression
  • Somatoform disorders
  • Dissociative disorders
  • Alcohol & other substance disorders
  • Anxiety disorders like obsessive compulsive disorder, social phobia, specific phobia, generalized anxiety disorder, etc.
  • Child & adolescent disorders like low intelligence, Dyslexia, School refusal, anxiety, oppositional behaviors, ADHD, Autism, etc.
  • Disorders of elderly like dementia, depression, etc.
Facilities offered in our department are:
  • Outpatient clinic on all working days, Monday to Saturday from 8 am to 5 pm.
  • Special outpatient services: “De-addiction clinic” & “Child and Adolescent Psychiatry clinic”
  • Assessment: Intelligence by Intelligent Quotient (IQ) testing, Dyslexia by Dyslexia instruments, cognitive functioning by Neuropsychological testing & Psychometric tests by trained clinical psychologist
  • Individual psychological therapy and behavior therapy, Parent training
  • Family therapy
  • Marital therapy
  • Emergency services consultation : 24/7
  • Inpatient services for psychiatric illness and addiction related disorders
  • Multidisciplinary deaddiction treatment for stopping alcohol and other substances (Close monitoring, one to one counseling, occupational therapy, Group therapy, Aversion therapy, family interventions and other special modalities)
Academic activities

We teach and train M.B.B.S students & postgraduate students in psychiatric discipline (Assessment, Diagnosis, Investigations, Pharmacological treatment, and psychosocial treatment). We conduct regular academic exercises for teaching updates in psychiatry, research methodologies, and psychological underpinnings. We encourage scholarly presentations by Postgraduate & undergraduate students in national & international conferences. We had conducted continuing medical education program for providing updates to practicing psychiatrists.

Library services

Our Library has recent updated textbooks & journals for quick referencing & updates. We essentially use these educational sources to update our knowledge at constant intervals so that we reflect it in our patient care as well.

Specialist Doctors

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