Urology & Andrology

Urology & Andrology

The department of Urology, a superspeciality service started in PSG Hospitals in 1997.Urology mainly focuses on surgical disease of Urinary tract system, like urinary stone, Benign prostatic hyperplasia, Adrenal tumors, Testicular carcinoma, Penile carcinoma, Renal cell carcinoma, Bladder carcinoma, Prostatic Carcinoma. Non surgical management in Urology are Urinary tract infection, Benign prostate hyperplasia, Stress urinary incontinence, which are managed medically. Subspecialties like endo urology Urogynecology , Uro oncology, Reconstructive urology, Pediatric urology and Renal transplantation are focused in our department.

Renal Stone and Ureteric Stones

Management of Renal stones and ureteric stones includes Percutaneous nephrolithotomy. Retro grade intra renal surgery with laser fibers was done as a day care procedure

PCNL– Percutaneous nephrolithotomy is performed for treating large kidney stone with lithoclast or laser fibers. It is Key hole surgery that is performed through 1 cm incision with 2 days hospitalization and quick recovery.

Recently mini PCNL has launched in our hospital for the treatment of renal calculi, especially for pediatric age group.

Uro Oncology

The treatment of Genitourinary cancer like renal cell carcinoma , transitional cell carcinoma , prostate adeno carcinoma are management by Laparoscopy, endoscopy and combined procedures.

Laparoscopic nephrectomy is a minimally invasive procedure to remove the kidney, ureter for renal tumour and ureteric tumour. Laparoscopic procedures reduce hospital stay, less post operative pain, small incision and quick recovery to normal work.

Reconstructive Urology

It is highly specialized field of urology that restore both structures and function of Genito urinary system. Urethroplasty, Pyeloplasty are example of reconstructive urology performed for urethral strictures and pelvic ureteric junction obstruction.

Urodynamic Evaluation

To assess how bladder and urethra are performing the job of Storeing and releasing urine. Test is done for urinary incontinence, Neurogenic bladder, problem in emptying the bladder, stress urinary incontinence etc.

Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy

Trans urethral resection of prostate is the corner stone as endo urology for treating Benign prostatic hypertrophy. TURP is the common endourological procedure done for Benign prostate hypertrophy who failed in medical treatment.

Kidney Transplantations

Transplant into a patient who has End Stage Renal Disease. Live donor Transplantation is done who are only genetically related to the recipient. Deceased donors are brain dead donors and donation after cardiac death. Cadaver Transplantations can bridge the gap to some extent and reduce the waiting time for kidney transplantation.

Services Available
  • Outpatient consultation 8 am – 5 pm (Monday –Saturday)
  • Patients admitted in general ward and special ward are provided with 24-hours care by trained urology staff nurses
  • Start of the art theatre with facilities for endoscopic procedures, Laser treatment and minimally invasive procedures
  • Major laparoscopic procedures are done
  • Training of under graduates and post graduates is done
  • A well equipped department and institutional library is available
  • Major operative procedures for cancers involving kidney, ureter, bladder, prostate and testis are done laparoscopically without big incisions
  • Stone involving kidney, ureter and bladder are managed endoscopically
  • Kidney transplant surgery including cadaver transplant
  • Microscopic procedures like microvaricocelectomy and vasovasostomy are done for infertile male patients
  • Specialised care available for patients with erectile dysfunction and other sexual disorders (Like penile Doppler and Penile prosthesis)
  • State of the art laparoscopic procedures like augmentation cystoplasty are being done for the patients with neurogenic bladder
Special Clinics
  • Stone clinic
  • Cancer clinic
  • Andrology clinic
  • Female Urology
  • Prostate clinic
  • Urethral stricture clinic
OPD Services
  • Urodynamic study to evaluate bladder function
  • Urethral and suprapubic catheterization
  • Intravesical BCG instillation
  • Urethral dilatation
  • Circumcision
  • OP Cystoscopy
  • Transrectal US scan and TRUS guided prostatic
  • OPD Stent removal
Aanmai clinic

infertility, sexual issues and prostatic diseases

– Dedicated Men’s health specialist/ Andrologist

– Private consultations and testing

– Latest tests and treatment of all Men’s health issues

– Personalised care and treatment

Specialist Doctors

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