Endo Gynecology

Endo Gynecology

Gynecological endoscopy is a surgical discipline which uses optical instruments specially designed to help diagnose the most frequent female disorders and pathologies such as some infertility problems, small vaginal hemorrhages or endometrial polyps among others. Gynecological endoscopy employs hysteroscopy and laparoscopy for these purposes.


General gynec trained in advanced pelvic surgeries and difficult cases.

  • Laparoscopy Hysterectomy  upto  5 Kgs  fibroid
  • Distorted pelvic anatomy with odd locations of fibroid near bladder,ureter,
  • Bowel which is always challenging.
  • Stage 4 pelvic endometriosis with frozen pelvis with dense rectal adhesions.
  • Lap Hysterectomy for prevois multiple laparotomy/scar abdomen/previous
  • 3 LSCS / Super obesity.
  • Ureterolysis, Adhesiolysis.
  • Large ovarian cyst extending upto epigastrium – where there is less is less space to operate – done upto 10kg ovarian cyst.
  • All general challenging gynec emergencies including ruptured abscess /Endometriotic  cyst – where dense bowel adhesions anticipated.


Altenative to uterine artery embolization –Laparoscopically internal iliac artery ligation

Required in post hysterectomy bleeding ,PPH,Scar ectopic, fibroid.

Reconstructive pelvic surgeries
  • Uterine malformation with absent cervix & vagina.
  • Metroplasty,uterine unification in biocornuate uterus.
All infertility related procedures

Hysteroscopic    – Adhesiolysis

Septal resection




All fertility enhancing procedures

Advanced Urogynecological procedures
  • Sling surgeries
  • Mesh repair in urogynecology
  • Vault prolapse
  • Lap pectopexy / sacrocolpopexy
  • Lap high uterosacral suspension
  • Lap MC CALL’s culdoplasty
  • Uterine prolapsed
  • Uterine preserving surgeries with mesh repair
  • Sacrohysteropexy
  • Hysteropectopexy
Lap surgeries for stress urinary incontinence
  • Lap busch colposuspension
  • Lap paravaginal cystocele repair
  • Laparoscopic cystocele /Rectocele / Enterocele repair.
Gynec Oncology
  • All gynec malignancies
  • Laparoscopic lymphadonectomy including para aortic
  • Lap radical hysterectomy
  • Interval debulking surgeries for ovarian cancer.



Robotic Hysterectomy and lymphadenectomy
All Advanced Vaginal Procedures
  • Fothergills operation
  • Sacrospinous fixation
Laparoscopy in Pregnancy
  • All gynec  emergencies
  • Cystectomy / Oopherectomy
  • Cervical encerclage –  Laparoscopic approach in failed vaginal cerclage cases

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