Critical Care Medicine

Critical Care Medicine

Critical Care Medicine (CCM) is a specialty that involves the management of patients with life threatening, frequently complex medical and surgical illnesses in a specialized Intensive Care Unit (ICU) or similar facility. These critically ill patients may have dysfunction or failure of one or more organ systems, including the cardiac, pulmonary, neurologic, liver, kidney or gastrointestinal systems.

  • Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
  • Intubation
  • HFNC
Mechanical Ventilation
  • Invasive ventilation
  • Non Invasive ventilation
  • Prone position ventilation
  • Lung protective ventilation
  • Arterial blood gas analysis
  • Central line insertion
  • Vascular access for haemodialysis
  • Percutaneous tracheostomy
  • Utrasound guided procedures ( Paracentesis, Thoracocentesis, Pericardiocentesis ,Abdominal screening E.FAST, Echo screening)
  • Lumbar Puncture
  • Intercostals drain placement
  • Monitored anaesthetic care for all invasive purposes
  • Patient counselling
  • Enteral and paraenteral nutrition
  • Plasmapheresis
  • Cytokine filtration
Advance airway management
  • Bronchoscopy assisted
  • Cook’s airway exchange catheter cum elastic bougie assisted
  • Laryngeal mask assisted airway
  • McCoy laryngeal manoeuvres
  • Cricothyrotomy
Advanced Ventilator Monitoring and Management
  • Inverse ratio
  • PRVC
  • IPPV
  • Recruitment manoeuvres
  • Prone ventilation
Advanced Hemodynamical Monitoring
  • CVP monitoring
  • SBP variation
  • Caval index
  • CO monitoring (trans thoracic VTi)

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