This department deals with conditions of the ear, nose and throat and also related structures of the head and neck. A thorough examination of the ears, nose, throat and neck is performed . Nasal infections, sinusitis, Tonsillitis are being treated.The expertise of our very qualified ENT surgeons ensures treatment of even difficult conditions affecting the ear, nose or the throat.
PSG Hospitals in Coimbatore Tamil Nadu is one of the leading Cochlear Implant centres. With state-of-the-art infrastructure, diagnostic and therapeutic equipment to perform Cochlear Implant Surgery, We have so far completed more than 278 Implants with high success rate even for complicated as well. We have an exclusive Implant team consisting of highly skilled ENT Surgeons, Paediatricians, Audiologists, Child psychologists, Audio-verbal therapists and skilled Nursing Staff.
Services Provided
- Regular periodic free camps at primary care centers and schools
- Bronchoscopy, Oesophagoscopy & Foreign Body removal
- Microear Surgery, Basic and Advanced Endoscopic sinus surgery, Microlaryngeal surgery
- Surgery for Head & Neck Malignancy
- Audiology evaluation & Speech therapy
- Monthly ENT CME Program – “ENT Clinics” inviting expert faculty
UG & PG Training
- Regular academic teaching program as per MCI norms
- ENT Gold medal exam for final year part I students is conducted annually
- State of art surgical hands on training under the guidance of expert faculty
- Diagostic Video endoscopy
- Audiometry, Impedence audiometry
- Basic ENT Surgery
- Microscopic ENT Surgery
- Endoscopic ENT Surgery
- Bronchoscopy
- Oesophagoscopy
- Surgery for snoring
- Emergency ENT care 24×7
Specialist Doctors
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