Obstetrics and Gynaecology

Obstetrics and Gynaecology

Obstetrics deals with medical care during pregnancy, labour, delivery and the immediate post delivery period of both the mother and the newborn. Our obstetricians ensure that the mother and baby receive the best possible antenatal care to ensure that the delivery happens without complications and since we are equipped with a neonatal unit, the newborn receives expert care as well.

Gynecology diagnoses and treats diseases of the reproductive organs including cancer of the ovaries, uterus, cervix, vagina and fallopian tubes.

Irregular and painful menstruation and other diseases pertaining to menopause may require surgical treatment as would disorders of the uterus like fibroids, etc. Our experienced gynecologists handle most of the surgical problems by laparoscopic surgery which leave only a minimal scar. Common surgical gynaecological procedures done at PSG hospitals are tubal ligation, laparoscopic hysterectomy and Salpingo oophorectomy.

Special Clinics
  • Cancer screening & Colposcopy Clinic, Urogynaecology Clinic, Infertility clinic, High risk pregnancy and Distance Colposcopy Training Project in collaboration with International Federation for cervical Pathology & Colposcopy.
  • Infertility clinic with facilities for accurate diagnoses, ovulation induction monitoring & IUI. Infertility patients are counseled as a couple. Hormone estimations; laparoscopy & hysteroscopy are available. Male partner is assessed by Andrologist. Intra uterine insemination with husband’s semen is done when indicated.
  • High risk pregnancy clinic is conducted daily with facilities for diagnosis & management of Obstetric & medical complications of pregnancy and prenatal testing & diagnoses of congenital anomalies.
Fellowships and Awards
  • Dr.Seetha Panicker, Professor & HOD of Obstetrics & Gynaecology has been conferred the “Best Teacher Award” by the Tamilnadu Dr.MGR Medical university during the Doctors day Celebration on 01.07.2012
  • Dr.T.V.Chitra, Professor of Obstetrics & Gynaecology presented a paper on “Screening in elderly women” at International conference on Colposcopy & Cervical Pathology held on 6th, 7th March 2010, Chennai and this paper got first prize for paper presentation
  • Dr.Seetha Panicker, Professor & HOD of Obstetrics & Gynaecology presented a paper on “Awareness & Practice of Universal barrier precautions among nursing and paramedical staffs in a teaching hospital” and had been conferred the “2nd Best paper Award” at National conference on Reproductive Heath–The key to population stabilization held at New Delhi in Feb 2002
  • Dr. Lalitha has been awarded a fellowship at the National University of Singapore to undergo training in fetal medicine in 2017.
  • 3D ultrasound with Doppler
  • Video Colposcope with teaching attachment & data capture system
  • Diagnostic & operative hysteroscope
  • Operative laparoscopy with different energy sources
  • Uro dynamic machine
  • Facilities for fetal autopsy
  • The Department also maintains the highest standards in medical education, training of under graduates & post graduate doctors and research
  • Intensive care facilities for all high risk Obstetric and Gynaec patients with multidisciplinary team approach
  • The department also maintains the highest standards in medical education, training of under graduates & post graduate doctors and research
  • Intensive care facilities for all high risk Obstetric and Gynaec patients with multidisciplinary team approach
Penmai clinic
  • A dedicated clinic by a experienced gynecologist over 30 yrs specially trained in sexual health and reproductive health in UK London
  • Confidential consultation and counselling given towards dyspareunia sexual health problems
    and personal conflicts in marital and sexual life
  • Personalised appropriate investigation and treatment for underlying problem
  • Referral to psychological counselling if needed
  • Exclusive contraceptive advise

Specialist Doctors

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